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Who is Nijika?
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For the blind, she is vision.
For the hungry, she is the chef.
For the thirsty, she is water.
If Nijika thinks, I agree.
If Nijika speaks, I’m listening.
If Nijika has a million fans, I am one of them.
If Nijika has ten fans, I am one of them.
If Nijika has only one fan, that is me.
If Nijika has no fans, I no longer exist.
If the whole world is against Nijika, I am against the whole world.
I will love Nijika until my very last breath.
For the blind, she is vision.
For the hungry, she is the chef.
For the thirsty, she is water.
If Nijika thinks, I agree.
If Nijika speaks, I’m listening.
If Nijika has a million fans, I am one of them.
If Nijika has ten fans, I am one of them.
If Nijika has only one fan, that is me.
If Nijika has no fans, I no longer exist.
If the whole world is against Nijika, I am against the whole world.
I will love Nijika until my very last breath.
引用元 https://mi.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4vip/1715684623/